Kondini Speciality Act Unusual Entertainment Kondini Speciality Act Unusual Entertainment


Kondini has performed at many different venues including Alton Towers, Thorpe Park, Windsor, Hampton Court, Blenheim Palace, London's West End, Coney Island, Central Park, USA, Royal Mail, Comedy Store, Covent Garden and more........

There are several ways you can contact Kondini to book an event. Please use whichever you prefer. However, do bear in mind that Kondini may be performing at a location overseas, in a different time zone and with more expensive call charges!

We accept bookings more than a year in advance. Book early to avoid disappointment.

E-mail:  kondini666@gmail.com

Tel:  07776 368 334

Brochures are available on request





  • Magic
  • Flea Circus
  • Bed of Glass
  • Fire eating
  • Fire breathing
  • Escapology
  • Human tool box
  • Bed of nails
  • Sword Work
  • Close-up card
  • Demonstrators